Thursday, March 26, 2009

Leavin on a Jet Plane!

Hello Everyone!

Well tomorrow is my last day before I get set apart as a sister missionary! I can't believe the time is finally here... after waiting and waiting i will soon be entering the MTC. I just want to bear my testimony about how wonderful this experience has been. Many of you know that there was a time that I did not want to go on a mission and thought that if i tried hard enough i could get by without going. But, I am so grateful that wasn't how things worked. After months and months of trying to plan what I was supposed to be doing (and everything falling through) I finally decided that this decision wasn't up to me and that I guess I should give in a start praying about it. I had been questioning a mission for awhile but there were other things that I was more excited about doing with my life. October 08 General Conference was coming up so I decided to fast and pray and I wanted my answer during that conference. Well... the first session I watched was all about missionary work... and needless to say, I've been a goner since then! Once I realized that a mission was what I was supposed to be doing and then decided to go, amazing blessings have followed after. Since that decision, i have never once doubted my decision to serve. Since that decision I have felt an increase of spiritual knowledge and testimony and I have been comforted that this is the right decision for me.

I am so grateful for free agency that we can act and make decisions for ourselves. But I am more so grateful that my Heavenly Father provides answers to quesitons that I can't seem to find without His help. I know that I personaly need to serve a mission... and that many experiences in my life have led me up to this decision. I know that I am a daughter of God. What an amazing sentence. And I know He has a work for me to do. I am grateful for this time, that I am able to set aside all of my own cares, and that I am able to put my life in His hands.... To do the work the the Savior would do if He were on this earth today. This gospel is amazing! It allows a person like me to serve others and share my testimony with them, just as the disciples of Christ did, and just as Christ Himself did.

I love this gospel with all my heart. I know it is true. I have read the Book of Mormon many times and have prayed to know if it is true, and each time.. the spirit has communicated to me of its truth and I cannot deny it. I am so grateful for this gift that I have been given, to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will work as hard as I can and be a 100% obedient in all that I do.


Unknown said...

What a wonderful testimony! We are so excited for you, and know that you will be an awesome missionary! I'm excited that your putting up a blog, and we can see your journey! WE LOVE YOU!

Cory, Tenille, and Miley

Sarah Osborne said...

We are so happy for you, Krystal!! And...a wee bit jealous! You are going to touch the lives of so many people. We love you and are looking forward to writing to our missionary!

Good luck on the posts, Rhonda! We can't wait to see you all next week!

Hermana Osborne said...
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Monica said...

Krystal!! i am so grateful I have had you as a friend these past few years! YOU have set such an incredible example for me, and I know you will be such an incredible missionary! Estoy muy amable que en dos anos, podemos hablar juntos en espanol! Te amo!