Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello family!!!!

Well it was a wonderful week here at the MTC! Something really cool happened a few days ago. We were in the RC, which is a place where you call people who have asked for free Bibles and dvds and Books of Mormon to be mailed to them. So we call them and ask if their order had been delivered and then we ask if we could have missionaries stop by and give them more information about the church. It is quite interesting because you get a lot of special people who are just rude. But there was this one guy who i called from New York, his name is Philip, and we just started talking about religion and he asked a lot of good questions. he reads the bible everyday and says that he is really striving to be closer to Jesus Christ and he wants his testimony to grow. It was really cool because he would ask questions and then i would just answer them and testify of how they were true. It was such a spiritual experience and he told me how he felt and that i had called him for a reason. He said that he would love for the missionaries to come by and give him a Book of Mormon. Then i asked if it would be alright if i called him some other time so that we could talk more about the gospel and he said he would love that. The spirit was so strong as we were talking and i know that he felt something. I loved it because afterwards i studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon for a sole purpose of answering his questions and teaching him, and bringing him closer to Christ. He said that he heard that Mormons believe in a 2nd Christ and that another Christ is supposed to come to earth again. I taught him that we believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Christ, but that there will be a 2nd coming at the end of the world, where Christ will return in His glory. I then had him turn in the Bible to Matthew where Christ tells his disciples that He will come again. I then testified that this is the reason that we need to live righteously and to come unto Christ. We need to prepare because He will return again. It was great. So i am calling him again tomorrow... i hope he picks up and that we are able to talk. I love this work and being able to share it with all those who will listen. What i love most is that people don't have to believe my words and what i say, they can find out for themselves, they can pray and ask God if the things we are teaching are true. I know that if they ask with a sincere heart, their prayers will be answered with a comforting feeling and they will know that the words we teach are true and that they in every way testify of Christ. This gospel is so amazing and I am so grateful to be apart of this work.

Yesterday was Easter and it was such an amazing experience. I have been reading a lot in the New Testament and striving to study the life of Christ and learn more of him and his teachings. Then on Easter, i read in the book of Mormon in 3rd Nephi when Christ, after he was resurrected, came to the American continent and showed himself to the people living there. I love how his teachings to the Nephites and Lamanites are so similar to his teachings to the Jews. I love that he is the Sheppard and he wants all of us to come unto Him and to be numbered in His fold. God loves us so much that He sent His Son. But he didn't just send Christ to the Jews in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. But he sent His son to all people. He also sent his son to the people on this continent, to teach them of important truths. And then again the truth was restored to all people in this day. The book of Mormon, which contains the record of those people that Christ came to while living on the American continent, it testifies of Christ and it was translated so that all could learn of truth. It is amazing and I am so excited to share this truth will all those that will listen.

We are so blessed to already have this knowledge and it is our responsibility to share it with others. Easter was amazing. Church was great and we went and walked around the temple afterwards. I felt the spirit so strongly and I know that I am in the right place at the right time. It is hard because I feel like ever since I have been here, i have had some amazing spiritual experiences, and yet at the same time i don't think i have ever been so tested and tried. I know that Satan doesn't want me to be on a mission and He is doing everything he can to have me leave and come home, but i simply can't. There is a reason I am here, there are people i need to teach. I am so weak... I have been humbled so much. Never in my life have i prayed so much and never in my life have i relied so much on my Savior and on His atonement. I know it not only is there for people when they sin, but it is there for people when they are alone, afraid, stressed, or in any difficult situations. The atonement is all encompassing and I am so grateful for my savior who loves me so much that he wraps his arms around me when i just can't go anymore. He is my Savior and my best friend. He knows all that I am going through and truly strengthens me so I can continue forward. I know these difficult experiences will only make me grow and make me a better missionary and i know through the savior i can get through any difficult time. Well my time is running short. I love you all so much. All of your letters have meant so much to me and have given me the comfort and strength i need. even when it is just a few lines, it reminds me that i am not alone and that this work isn't about me. Its about those people i will be teaching and it is about the Savior and the things He did for the world. I love this gospel so much and am honored to be among such great company. I am sorry if i haven't been able to write you back as much as i have wanted to, but i am working hard. Thanks again for all the love! I love you all so much and i am so grateful for your examples!

Hermana Osborne


Sarah Osborne said...

What an awesome story! I need to write Krystal another lettr.

Monica said...

sounds like you are doing great Krys!! can I get your address so I can write you??