Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week #2 at the MTC

Hello family! i just got out of the temple this morning and it was amazing and glorious! i loved it so much! i feel like i have been strengthened and many of my questions had been answered... i love the temple and i am so grateful for the opportunity that i have to visit often. Alyssa... there are these two old ladies who are there every time i go. they are both old and wrinkly... but they are so cute! one has dark hair (obviously with lots of gray hairs) and the other has blonde hair... everytime i see them i think of you and i am excited for the time when we will be able to go through the temple together. And again for the time when we will be old and decreped and go through the temple weekly. that will be tender! i lushk you and i hope that everything is going good for you and i pray for you all the time!
This week has been amazing and has flown by soooo fast. Tuesday night we had devotional and elder holland came and spoke! it was such an amazing talk and i felt like he was speaking diretly to me. He pretty much told me to forget myself and start working harder and do what i came here to do! i loved it so much and the spirit was soo strong. Afterwards we had a district meeting and everyone bore their testimony..it was an amazing atmosphere and i felt like elder hollands talk was a direct answer to my many prayers. In times when i feel alone and discouraged, the lord blesses me and sends a message to my heart that makes me realize that I am never alone and I am commissioned in a greater work than what I can comprehend. 

 Some quote that elder holland said are:
"This isn't about you. this is about god and christ and those people without the gospel... waiting. 
"you have been sent as god's answers to millions, you are unseasoned, but if you go in the name of the Lord, if you can understand, you can become an agaent in his hands... that's all you need to know"

i love the messages that elder holland gave. It teaches me why i am here and the great work that I have to do.
This week i was able to again talk with Philip, the guy on the phone from the RC, we had an amazing discusion, we talked for about an hour and i committed him to pray to ask if what we were talking about was good and true and then i also committed him to read the book of mormon. Since he had already gotten a free dvd from the church, we weren't allowed to send any othere items, so i got his address and bought my own book and highlighted it and wrote my testimony in it, and then i sent it to him. He should be getting it soon and he has promised to read it because he is so interested. He has so many great questions and when i would answer them he would just kinda sit there amazed. He then asked how i knew all this. and i told him that the answers to his questions are in the book of mormon. the truthfulness of the gospel of christ has been restored and he can also recieve an answer and a witness to his own personal questions... I love talking to him because he is a deep thinker and is excited to know what heavenly father has instore for him.
While i was doing other calls, i contacted a man who lost his job and has been having a hard time, and i committed him to contacting the missionaries and going to church, so i hope he does because he seemed really excited about it!

well it is almost my time. I love you all and i am so grateful for you love, encouragement, and support. This work is amazing and i am so grateful to be apart of it! Keep working hard! Love, Hermana Osborne!
I am working on another tape to send to you all and so that has more details about my day to day life. Thank you everyone for the letters! i love getting letters and hearing how you are doing. Kyle.. you will never know how much i needed to hear what you said to me. Thank you for staying up late and writing to me... even though you should have been studying ;) but you gave me words i needed to hear! you are amazing and i hope that i can someday become half the missionary that you are.

Sister K-Lo thank you sooooo much for that package that you sent.. i needed some love sooo bad and i got it at the perfect time. you are an absolute angel. and the scriptures that you put in there were what i needed to read. you are so amazing and you were inspired! Thanks for always being so kind and thoughtful!

cory i really enjoyed the poem you sent me...i read it enfronte de classe y la gente was like que en el mundo... it was muy interasante! tu amo!!!!! give the Tenille and Miley a squezze for meeee!

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