Well hello everyone!
This week has been amazingly awesome! I can't believe that I am past my 1/2 way mark for the mtc. it is the craziest thing ever, time has gone by so fast.
1st I want to wish Grandma a happy 50th birthday! (greatgrandmas stop aging after 50) i hope you had a wonderful day and that it was devoted to you!
This week has gone by so fast as i have already said. A highlight was Lushk finally wrote me so I was able to hear about her experience with deciding to go on a mission. Lushk i sent you two letters... you should get them soon, but it is wonderful and i am so excited for the experience that you will be having!
also i would love to hear the update with cory and tenille. I want you both to know that i have had you in my prayers and i fasted for you yesturday. I love you both so much and i am grateful for your strength in these difficult times.
Also I fasted for Staci Litchfield and her family. Mom please let her know that she is continually in my thoughts and prayers. She has been such an instrumental person in my life and i am grateful for her strength. I wish that I could be there to offer a hug or some comfort, but i hope that as i am here faithfully serving that not only my family will be blessed, but also my close friends. Staci is someone i will always consider a close friend because she was there for me at a time in life when i needed someone who could relate to me and also show me how to be better. I love her so much. as i was thinking about staci and cory and tenille, i read a scripture that i love and has helped me in my own life, mosiah 24:12-15.
I am so grateful for my family and all the people who continue to give me strength. It is weird because i thought i would be homesick, but i havent been yet, this is where i know i need to be, and as i forget myself and work hard, i am the happiest i can be.
We taught the 1st lesson completly in spanish this week. It was amazing because i felt so unprepared, but the spirit was so strong. And then for fast and testimony meeting yesturday i got up an bore my testimony in spanish. The lord is blessing me so much. thank you mom and dad for fasting for me, i know that it has continued to help in so many ways. I am grateful that i am not getting discouraged but am instead relying upon the lord.
Well i have a few moments left. Dad you asked me what i had been struggling with, it was mainly companion stuff.. since there are cultural differences we struggled a lot at the beginning which was sooooo difficult, but after that we have really work hard and are doing really good. i actually never thought that we would be as close as we are but we continue to serve one another and strengthen our companionship. it is a continual process, but i am so grateful for my companion and the amazing example she is for me. i know that we were supposed to be companions and i learn so much from her each day.
A spiritual experience that i had was yesterday we had a class with the sisters and our presidents wife and we talked about spiritual gifts and then went around the room and talked about each others spiritual gifts. it was interesting because the sisters said that my greatest spiritual gift was the knowledge of the scriptures. i didn't think it was extraordinary but i am grateful for parents who have taught me in righteousness and helped me have a love and desire to read my scriptures and learn from the words there. Another one was diligence, and listening to the spirit. It was interesting because these were not ones that i would have picked for myself, but i was grateful that they brought them to my attention. then president dean went around to each of us and said the biggest spiritual gift that he has seen in each of us, and when he got to me he was kinda weepy and said that mine was purity, that he looked in my eyes and knew i was clean and pure and it was a testimony to him of the amazing parents that i must have. i was so grateful for that experience and i needed you both to know how much i love you and how grateful i am that i was born of goodly parents. i love you and pray and think of you often. Happy mothers day mommy love you!!!
Hermana Osborne
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