Monday, May 11, 2009

Week #6...Awkward!!!

I'll start with an awkward story. So every week the senior companion needs to meet with the district leader and go over how the companionship is doing and all sorts of fun stuff. This week it was my turn and so i went out in the hall with elder landeen and he closed the classroom door so we were just standing in the hall... so i was waiting for him to say the 1st thing cuz usually they ask the 1st question... but he didnt'... so we were just standing there staring at each other. I felt soooo awkward. And then on top of that i realized this was the 1st time in 5 weeks that i was alone with a man.... i just started blushing way hard and even my arms got all hot and red. At this time our other district of elders walked out and saw us standing there and saw me blushing like crazy and just me and him standing there... so of course i blushed more. It was way awkward... and hilarious. I realized that it has only been 6 weeks and i am already really awkward.. so i can only imagine after 16 1/2 more months... i will be crazy awkward. I now understand why kyle tried to give me a handshake in taiwan... i think mom and dad will have to remind me that it is ok to hug them when they come and pick me up!  

Yesterday the district above us left for new york and baton rouge... it was sooooo sad. Us hermanas have gotten really close with them and it is sad that they wont be here anymore. but at least they will be down here at byu when they get back.. the more i think about it... the less i wanna go to byui when i get back... but obviously i will go wherever i am supposed to go.  So yes.. now we are the senior district... it is way crazy!  But our district has been doing really good and we have gotten really close.

lushk..... what is new? it is 2 weeks... have you sent in your papers yet? i am dying to know where you will be called!

also something else you might want to know is monica miller, my roomie from the dorms, has decided to go on a mission and will put her papers in a couple months when she is old enough. it is the best. i am so happy that the people that i love the most will be able to experience this wonderful adventure as well!

mom i would like jordan's, kelsey's, and clay's addresses... if you could get them to me that would be lovely!

My time is almost up. I want you all to know se que el libro de mormon es verdad. El evangelio de jesucrito es restuarado ahora a traves jose smit... testifico jesucristo es nuestro redentor y salvador. Amo el evangelio. Amo ser un misionaria. A traves de expiacion de jesucristo, podemos ser liberado del pecado...

cory.. have fun translating my awkward spanish! give me a break though :)

I love you all. This gospel is the most amazing work en el mundo. I am so grateful for the escrituras y amo leendo en el nuevos testimentos... (?) i am grateful for the testaments of the apostles and what they teach of jesus christ. This is the greatest place that i could be right now. 

Mom and dad.. my Prez gave you some pretty high compliments.. He said how greateful he is that i was born of goodly parents who raised their children in righteousness, who did not give up or give in when life became difficult, but instead kept working hard. I am so grateful for the small and simple things you have done. Thank you so much for scripture study before seminary.. everyone things i am some scriptorian.. but i know that the knowledge that i have of the scirptures come from my parents and the love that they have for them and have taught me to have for them.. i love you all so much! work hard, be good, smile and laugh all the time!

Love you all!

Hermana Osborne

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