Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Elders Blay & Wheiler with Hermanas Amitoelau & Osborne befor Elder Wheiler left to Peru

Hermanas Osborne & Redfern at the Temple

Jumpin' for JOY at the MTC

Funny Story: Before I left for the MTC, I found a pair of golden duck bookends at Deseret Industries. I laughed when I saw them because my dad used to have the exact same pair! So...I bought the ducks...wrapped them up...and gave them to my dad as a Christmas present! Before long, the ducks found themselves in "awkward" places. It became the family joke to hide the ducks...aka in the tank of the toilet, etc:) We got pretty creative and it gave our family quite a laugh! So, the joke was on me when I unpacked at the MTC and found the duck in my suitcase! Everyone in my district knows the duck story and they have nicknamed him Mallard. Mallard still shows up in a lot of funny places!!!

I have a feeling i will be here much longer than a couple days, so please continue to write me here to get me through the week! and just so you know.. you can write me more than once a week..

daddy.. i enjoyed your last letter. Just so you know, i met some elders who are on their way to everett mission and i gave them your home number and what ward you are in and told them that you would feed them.. because not only will you feed them, but you should invite janis to listen to the missionaries. I know it might be outside of your business relationship, but i think she would be one of those people who would want to hear how her family can be together forever and how she can be closer to her husband than she ever has been. i will continue to pray for her, but it was just so interesting because when mom told me she saw her and said what she said.. i was just like.... GOLDEN! haha i am such a missionary. she pretty much came up to me before the mish and wanted to know about the church, but i wished i realized it more and invited her to listen to the missionary discussions. so yeah... i invite you mom and dad to pray about it and act on the promptings you receive.....

next order of business... i am calling my family to repentance! hahaha
but seriously... i think that you all could do much much much better with keeping in contact with the people you baptized on your missions and i think that you could do better in making sure that they remain active members... i think the reason i feel this way is because when i went to pick up Kyle from his mission i saw how much those people loved him and how they felt that they owed him for bringing the gospel into their lives. I hope that if i don't keep in contact with my members that you will all kick me in the bum too! i have also realized how before my mission i completely failed as a member. i always thought that member missionary work was just being a good example... i was sooooo wrong. i wish that i would have been better, that i would have gone out of my way to talk to investigators, that i would have given contact info to the missionaries of my friends and invited them to come unto christ. i wish that i would have been better at opening my mouth and testifying of the things that i know to be true. I know this is what i will be doing on the mission, but i don't want that to change once i come home. I want to be the one to change and i want to be a missionary for the rest of my life. EVERYONE needs to hear the gospel. EVERYONE needs to receive these blessings, and i am so sad to think that there were many people in my life who i never shared this gospel with. i could have been better.

Mom and Dad you talked about how you want to do more missionary work... that is awesome.. i know you can... i hope that i will find families like you in my areas who will have lessons at their home and sit by people in church and be friends with investigators. continue to work hard at this and i know you will be blessed and the Lord will bring people to you as you actively look for people to introduce to the church.

se que el evangelio de jesucristo fue resturado y la verdado es en el mundo ahora. Testifico por medio la expiacion de jesucristo podemos ser limpiar del pecado.

We need to be better, we can be better.

I love you all more than words can ever express.. i feel your love and your prayers upholding me each day and i want you to know how grateful i am for your strength. i am so lucky to have a family who supports me.

The YW in our ward wrote me today. it was so sweet and so i am going to write them back when i get a chance. tell them i say thank you so much for all that they do!

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!!!!

Hermana Osborne

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