Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Delayed...Swine Flu Lock down at the MTC:(

Well hello! This week has been absolutely crazy!

It started off with my companion getting really sick and she hasn't been able to sleep very well, so i kept telling her that she needed to take it easy and go up to the room and go to bed. but she was being stubborn and felt that if she did that then she would be wasting time. Well... she got so sick that she started vomiting. She had the chills and then got really hot and it was terrible. i made her stay in the room all the next day and then the day after that, she acted like she was fine and told me she was ok until after lunch i realized she was lying so we went to the clinic and they tested her and realized she has influenza A...

So we had to pack her stuff and take her to isolation. she has to stay in a room all by herself for at least 5 days and i have had to be in a threesome with the other companionship as well..

it has been a really rough week. They tested me for the flu since i was around her so much and it came back negative, but i haven't been feeling well and so i am going to go into the clinic today and see what they say, who knows... So since we were all in such close contact with my hermana, our entire district found out yesturday that we are delayed for a couple days.. then today after i got off the phone with mom, we heard that they are delaying all missionaries leaving the mtc now because of the flu. it is pretty intense, there is a big outbreak here, people are walking around with cough masks on and everything. also i heard that the new missionaries who are coming this wednesday will either be postponed or that their families can't come in the gates... there are a lot of rumors going on about this... i may even be postponed for one to two weeks!

so yeah.. that is the drama of the mtc.. it has been really hard not having my hermana here with me. we have gotten so close and i know that she is really struggling because she is locked up in a room by herself. I am not sure if she will stay here of if they will be sending her home for a bit until it gets under control again.

so that brings me to my next question, is it that crazy out in the real world or is it just in the mtc? I'm way curious and would like to leave but i feel comforted in knowing that the Lord is protecting us and watching over us...

I will keep you posted on the events here at the MTC as well as my new departure date. Until then...I love you all. Have a great week!!!

Hermana Osborne

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