Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Final week in the MTC!

So two very amazing things happened to me this week! i got cafe
rio and then i got my flight plans!!! how amazing! so here is the deal with
the flight plans.... i leave june 2nd! We leave SLC at 8:20am and
fly to fort worth/dallas airport and get there at 12. Then we have a 3 hour
layover... so i am most definitely buying a phone card and calling you at fort worth! soooo i hope you block out those entire three hours because we also have to make up for not being able to talk during mothers day!!!!

oh yes.. and then we fly into mcallen and we won't get there till 5pm... i amway stoaked.. although it will be soooo sad to leave my companion. we were
talking about it the other day and we both almost started crying. we have
become so close and it will be sad not to be with her anymore but we are
planning on keeping in touch and im going to visit her in hawaii when we get
back :)

well i know i will have another wonderful week.. i always do. i am way excited to think i will be leaving for the mission soon. Something that kyle said that he was so right on was that the mtc is the easiest time you will ever have on your entire mission. it is sooo true. it has been so easy and so wonderful. i have enjoyed everyday and every moment but i am definitely ready for the real work to begin. i know that it will be so different from all that i have experienced here, but i know the mtc is a stepping block... it took me time to get used to the environment here and now that i am used to it, they are throwing me out into the real world to do real missionary things! I can hardly wait!

I love you all! have a wonderful week!

Hermana Osborne

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