Well another wonderful week has flown by! it has been such an amazing
experience working so hard and teaching so many wonderful families. This
week has presented a little more difficulties than usual, with appointments
falling through and investigators hearing wrong things about the church from
their friends, but we have really strived to rely upon the spirit. And life
always proves that after trials blessings come in abundance, so we will take
our trials gladly.
We have been busy at work this week. Our goal each week is to have 120
contacts which is 20 a day and this week we did not reach it. we had 73
contacts with 10 new investigators but that is okay because we were so
focused on our investigators and trying to help them progress.
So let me tell you about some of the families I am teaching!
reina & modesto and their daughter flor
they are amzing and so poor. they don't have money for gas or to pay their
phone bill.. but we have been teaching them for the past two weeks. they
live in a trailer and at first modesto didn't want to listen but then we
kept inviting him and he started listening. reina and flor love it when we
come to visit and the spirit has been so strong. one day modesto read in the
Book of Mormon and totally got it and was so excited about it. then the next
day he was cold and told us that he wanted to know the truth but that he was
catholic and he would stay catholic. it was so sad. we think he got
anti-ed... so we came back to teach reina because modesto wouldn't let us
teach him anymore and she looked so sad as she told us that she couldn't
listen because she was "busy," which she wasn't because she is always just
sitting on the couch. When we questioned her, she just said that she
couldn't learn from us anymore. we are pretty sure that modesto will not let
her. she and flor had a baptismal date and everything. we still aren't
giving up on them, but it was so sad seeing her face as we said bye to her.
you love these people so much and you want what's best for them, but their
problems are more real than any of the problems I have ever had to face or
probably ever will have to face.
Rosa, Joanna, Sergio
Rosa is the mom, joanna is my age, and Sergio is 25. Sergio called us (he
was baptized a year ago) and wanted us to come and teach his mom and sister.
he is so sweet... he wants his family to be baptized soooo bad. the first
time we went over there it was kind of awkward and they really weren't
interested, but we just show them we love them and we keep coming back and
sharing our testimonies with them and teaching them gospel truths. it is
amazing the change that has come about in these people. they love it when we
come now and we come regularly. the mom is reading in the Book of Mormon and
she has read the 1st 5 chapters. more and more she warms up to the gospel
but hers will probably be a long road. we showed the restoration dvd and
she was crying. the spirit was so strong and each time we are there... the
spirit is felt.
Cruz Family
They are amazing! on fathers day the dad was outside and i think he was a
little buzzed... cuz i walked up to contact him and he was just like.. come
on in... and had us sit down on the coach and then got his whole family out
to listen. we sang Families Can Be Together Forever and we talked about
eternal families. they are an awesome family and we think they will be
ready to be baptized much sooner than anyone else!
We have transfers the 15th but i am pretty sure i will stay here... at least
i hope so. i am finally getting used to everything and my companion and i
are really getting along. it is so awesome to work so hard and have fun
while you work and as a companionship, we have some really good goals.
I am glad that you could look on google earth and see my location! IT IS
SOOO flat.. it is funny because the locals call it the valley... not sure
but shouldn't a valley mean that there should be some opposing hills or
something? haha but it is fun here.
This week has shown me how important member missionary work is. We have had
some wonderful members from the ward come out with us and help us teach and
they have brought such a different spirit. They are able to testify and
share conversion stories with the investigators and they add such a powerful
witness to the truth that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. Each
day I am amazed by the members in this area and the desires that they have
to help the missionaries and to serve the Lord. It makes it that much more
important that as a missionary I work as hard as I can and do not let them
down. I know my calling is so important, but everyday they remind me that I
cannot waste one second and that I cannot give in or give up. I am so
grateful to be a missionary and to be having these wonderful experiences and
growing in so many ways and so quickly. I know that as I put my life in the
hands of the Lord that He will guide and direct my paths and make more of me
than what I could ever make of myself.
Can i just tell you that i love this work and i love what i am doing!!! Wow
the days go by so fast and i know that Heavenly Father is right beside me in
this work... pushing me on and encouraging me to work harder than ever!
Well family, i love you so much and i hope you have a wonderful week!
Thanks for you love and support!
Hermana Osborne
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