Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our car died...A blessing in disguise?

Lucky for us we were given a car to drive...we named her "Mrs. Bingham".

My new Mission President.  President and Sister Miller

It has been another wonderful week filled with working so hard everyday and

many spiritual experiences. It has been wonderful tracting and trying to

contact those who are truly ready to learn about the restored gospel of

Jesus Christ. We have met some amazing families and amazing people who are

searching for the truth. Heavenly Father's hand has been so evident in this

work. I am so grateful for the members of the ward who have devoted their

time to coming with us to teach. With their help, we have been able to have

some amazing lessons and the added spirit that they brought into the home

was remarkable. An instance where things just aren't a coincidence happened

yesterday right before church. For some reason our car just died and we

couldn't start it. So The sisters had to give us a ride to our church and

then the Office Elders went and fixed our car and were going to bring it to

us by the time church ended. When it was 12:00, the end of church, I called

the office elders and we discovered that they were at the wrong chapel,

about 20 minutes away, so we needed to wait for them to drive to the right

one. While we were waiting in the foyer, people were leaving and then our

investigators walked in. They said they came as soon as they could. Church

had started at 9am and they got there at 12:20. If our car hadn't broken

down in the first place, and the Office Elders driven to the wrong building,

we wouldn't have been there to take our investigators to another ward and

have them experience the blessings that come from attending church. This

instance was so small and simple, but i know that it is through small and

simple means that Heavenly Father brings about his work. We are instruments

in His hands. All things don't work together perfectly as missionaries, but

we need to be patient and remember that Heavenly Father is mindful of our

needs and as we are working hard and obedient, He will direct our paths and

He will guide our course. I love this work.  The times that I am happiest

is when it is hot and we are tired and working so hard and are rejected by

so many people, and then we find just one person who wants to listen, who

feels the spirit as we teach. It makes everything worth it.

My companion and I made 112 Contacts with week with 8 New Investigators

my mission president is amazing. i just had my 1st interview with him and he

is an angel. We talked about the people I was serving and then He just

started saying things that He notcied about me. He said that he could tell i

was settled in who i am... in a good way.. in that i am sure of myself and i

just am taking everything in and going with the flow and he could tell that

i am here for the right reasons. it was a really awesome interview and was

everything i needed to hear. this week has been crazy and we work so hard

each and everyday... the heat... and humidity.. it is out of control... but

shockingly i am getting a little more used to always being sweaty and

looking gross..

My companion and I made 112 Contacts this week with 8 New Investigators.

My first area is in McAllen and I love it.  It is everything I hoped for and more.  Yesterday I attended and Enlish ward with Sister Miller as my companion.  Sister Miller is my Mission President's wife.  We were on splits and it was an amazing experience.  Jose, one of my investigators, didn't show up for church so I was a bit bummed.  But one of the Elders asked me to take Sylvia, his investigator, into Relief Society.  Sylvia is from Mexico and doesn't speak a lot of English but we sat together in Relief Society and I answered her questions in the best Spanish I knew.  The spirit was so strong.  We were talking about temples, and I just turned to her and promised her that one day, her family would be sealed together in the temple because of her example and diligence.  I can't even describe the power I felt. When it was time to go, we hugged good-bye and I just felt such a love for her and I knew she felt that for me too because she started crying.

I am experiencing things that I have never experienced before.  I love my mission and am honored to serve our Savior. 

Have a great week everyone.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Sister Osborne

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