President and Sister Miller,
This week has been so wonderful and we have seen so many wonderful blessings. I was grateful for the chance to look back and reflect on this past transfer, to look at my goals and see the things I have accomplished as well as the areas that I have not yet reached the goals I have set out to do. I am so grateful for the word "becoming", because that is something that I am working on every day. There are many areas that I lack in, but as I rely on the Savior I feel that my weaknesses are made into strengths. I was so grateful for conference this week, for the things I learned and the spirit I felt. It was so wonderful to have investigators come to every session and to hear the words of the apostles and prophets. We are so blessed to have the restored gospel. I am so grateful for the example of the apostles, how they teach and bear their testimonies and it has given me a pattern to follow, to teach with love and boldness, as one who firmlybelieves and knows these things to be true. I am so grateful for the constant criticism and speculation that a mission gives me, in a good way. I learn from my faults and follies and I am humbled to know what I need to do and who I need to rely on to find strength and to change. I came on my mission to help others and more and more I find that as I am doing this, the Lord is helping and changing me.
Sister Osborne
New Investigators -13
Contacts - 80
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