President and Sister Miller,
This week has been such a wonderful blessing on so many different aspects. I am so grateful for Zone Conference. I feel like it was specifically directed to me and it answered my prayers and has been such a help in my missionary work. I loved it when you talked about staying away from the routine and remembering why we do the little things which are also the most essential. It has helped me to be more effective during my studies and to really use this time that I have to study for other people and to help them towards progression and baptism. A few weeks ago I had struggled with this frustration of feeling like I was just going through the motions and just doing things but not really doing them for the right reasons or with the right spirit. You talked about faith and how when we are working as diligently as we can it is because we have complete trust and faith in the Lord that he really will guide us, he really will answer our prayers, and he really will fulfill all the promises that he has made with us. My mission has been such a whirlwind of ups and downs, but it has made me grow so much. The beauty about a mission is you are always in service of others. It is the times in my mission when I have been down and depressed, when I have felt sad and directionless... Those times are when I have been able to help other people the most. It is hard to explain, but i feel as though the Lord knew exactly what my investigators would be going through, so he gave me some feeling of their sadness and depression so that I could testify boldy to them because I KNEW. Because I had felt that way and I used the atonement of Jesus Christ to find peace of solace and that is what i recieved. I am grateful for the opportunity to repent and to be a better missionary than I ever have. To live everyday to its fullest and to not get discouraged but to serve with love. I am grateful for my mission, I have come to know my Savior so much more. Each day I am walking and talking and testify and serving... just as He did. And as I do it, I bear His name.
I love you both President and Sister Miller and I know that you do what is best for the mission and the missionaries so that the work will continue to progress and i will support and sustain all you decide to do. thank you so much for everything.
Sister Osborne
Contacts - 140
New investigators – 9
Hello family and friends!
lately I have really been making goals and setting plans and just wanting to make sure that I take my mission home with me. I am still me, but i want to keep doing all these good things that allow me to be the best me. It is so crazy to realize how fast this time has gone by.. I can't believe that Jordy is coming home from his mission... wow. It will be so fun to see him again! (hopefully he can teach me some spanish) haha.
i have really been thinking a lot about the small and simple things. How those little things that I do or don’t do each and everyday make all the difference in the world. It is the quiet prayers that allow me to hear the soft promptings of the spirit, it is the simple reading and feasting of the scriptures that allows me to receive revelation for myself and others.. which leads me to serve them. I love how time and time again my testimony grows of these things and i am able to see how important they are... so that i can testify of it and teach other people how important they are. In Zone Conference we talked a lot about not getting into a routine of things, but making sure that you remember the spirit of the law and why we are the way we are. that has helped so much, I only have a few months left to be a full-time missionary... but i want to go home and keep sharing the gospel and not get back into the routine of life and only think about myself. What I have learned the most from my mission has been the importance of the Atonement and Service. I never realized before that I could and should use the atonement everyday... and I never before sought for so many opportunities to serve. I think that must be why I am so happy as a missionary. It really brings such a great joy into life and I feel so blessed that this is where Heavenly Father led me to be.
The work is going really well... we are working really hard with Cristina Lopez and her family... trying to get her sisters baptized and trying to help Yesenia through her teen pregnancy.... so sad. But she talked to the bishop and he was able to help. It doesn't look like she would be willing to put the baby up for adoption either. thank you so much for all your prayers for this sweet family. They really have had so many ups and downs and i have been able to watch those downs really humble them and bring their family back to the gospel.
I love you all! have a great week! byeee
Herm Osborne
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