Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A New Transfer

March 29, 2010
President and Sister Miller,
Well it is the start of a whole new transfer and I am so excited! So many good things lay ahead with the people we are teaching and the people we will find... i can just feel it. Sister Haws and I have realy been blessed and we can feel how the lord is just pouring out blessings upon our heads.
Yesturday, Esmerelda and her children had their baptismal interview to get them all ready for this upcoming sunday. As we were sitting in the hall and waiting, Esmerelda was sharing with me what had helped her to really know for herself that it was true. She went through the first time she let us into her home, the first lesson, the first time in church. All these wonderful things that kept happening, but she knew that she needed to gain her own testimony. She then said that as she watched us she saw that we were always so confident and always so happy and pleasant. She said that she had been around us enough to know that was who we were and that is what she wanted in her life. As she kept the commitments we gave her she notcied small changes in her own life to help her to become more like that. She would be more happy and less angry. I thought this experience was so neat. She noticied that we were different, that we were really set apart from the world.
I have been thinking about what this means and part of the answer comes from the young womans general conference meeting that we had this past weekend. The theme was based on virtue, to be stronf and of good courage. Sister cook said, "Don't give up, choose to follow the plan and live a virtuous life... the Lord will be with you. You will n ot only improve the world around you, but you will also improve the world within you." This is exactly how I feel. This past year as i have been striving so hard to help others to be clean and virtuous and to know their Heavenly Father, I have become so much more clean, so much more virtuous, I have come to know my Heavenly Father so much more. I am so grateful that I have lived a virtuous life, but now I am grateful to learn in a deeper sense what real virture is. It is not only staying away from bad things, but it is being nourished continually by the good things. I have seen first hand how living a virtuous life brings strength and confidence. I am confident in who I am because I know my Savior and I find strength in his teachings, in his ways of living. I find strength as I try each day to become like him. I am so grateful for the christlike attribute of virtue, to better my own life and to help improve the world around me.
Sister Osborne

New Investigators - 15
Contacts - 143

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