Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Transfer

May 10, 2020

President and Sister Miller,

Well this week has been full of the surprises of transfers. I was absolutely shocked that I was going to be in a three-some with my two favorite people here in the mission. It has been such a wonderful time serving with both of these sisters and it has been neat to see the blessings as we have been working hard together. It is exciting because this is my 6th transfer in San Benito and I have practically knocked every single door... so now i am looking more closely for hidden doors to knock as well. This past week we knocked some streets that I had already knocked before, and it was so fun for me to go back and once again share my testimony with these people. It was a neat experience when there were a couple people the first time who wanted nothing to do with me, so this time as i walked up to their doors I told them that i wanted to sing them a song. It was so powerful to testify of my Savior Jesus Christ through music. It immediately brought the spirit and it touched their hearts in a way that allowed them to listen and realize and feel that what we were sharing was good and true. It is such a humbling experience. I have come to love these people so much and as I serve them that love grows. I know that the gospel will change and bless their lives and so that is why I go out and work hard each day. It doesn't matter if I have talked to everyone, I will just talk to them again and again and hopefully they will come to feel of my love for them and they will come to understand how much their Heavenly Father loves them as well.
I am sure you are interested to know how our three-some is working out. It has been such a blessing to work side by side with such strong and powerful women. I think that this transfer will not only help each one of us in our own individual ways, but i know that the work in San Benito will increase and we will be able to work more effectively and find more prepared people. It is so exciting to see all the intricate ways that they Lord works. I know that he is mindful of each one of his children and that there are no coincidences in life. It is because he loves us so much that he gives us so many tender mercies. I love my mission and i feel so blessed by the things that i have learned and am learning. I loved talking to my parents yesterday and it reminds me of the saying, "we leave our families for 18 months so that other families can be together forever." that is so true and i am realizing how that time is running out for me and so i need to be more diligent than ever to help as many people as i possible can to come to the understanding and joy of the restored gospel. Thank you so much for everything that you both do! I love you and sister miller i hope that you had an amazing Mother's Day!

Sister Osborne

Contacts 150
New Investigators - 17

Hello Family -
well yesterday was sooo wonderful! i loved loved loved talking to mom and dad again and hearing your sweet voices! thank you so much for that and i can't wait till i can talk to everyone face to face and hear what is new about life and all that jazz... it will be glorious! so the news is out.. i am still in san benito... i am in a three some with sister haws and amitoelau.. and so it is like a little MTC reunion. we have too much fun together but we compensate it with lots of work and lots of lessons. its been good to be in a 3-some again because it felt like we went through a little bit of a dry spell.. so it is nice to have more forces to go out and find and help others take the steps towards baptism! it has been great!
I am so excited to start a new transfer... there is just something about starting over that is just exciting.. i know.. i am a nerd. but it is great to have new plans and to find ways to accomplish them.

This past week has been awesome and we have taught so many lessons and really seen the blessings that come from hard work. it is so hot outside and so it is so exhausting at the same time, but it is really neat to see that through the exhaustion and the sweat there are blessings and we come to find those who really are prepared and waiting for truth. i feel so blessed to be a missionary at this time. i really do see how the lord guides my steps and i know that he will continue to do so as long as i am patient and trust in him. we are so blessed to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. i can't imagine not having that. just wandering around trying to decide for myself what is right and what is wrong. i love the efy theme, stand in holy places. i think that is so true and so beautiful. i know that as we stand in holy places that we are not only guided but we are uplifted to live, act, and think on a higher and holier ground. in our road to becoming, we need to place ourselves in the best of the best places, around those who will help us to become more like our savior Jesus Christ. there are so many distractions and so much trash competing for our attention. we can't be like Lots wife, walking away from Soddom and Gamorahh but looking back. our mind must be made up, our focus must be on the lord, only then will our steps be sure and we can know of asurety that we are being led by the Lord and that it is for a purpose and that it will bring so many blessings. I have learned so much on my mission and I know that the lord will continue to teach me so much more... even if it means i have to struggle a bit to find the right answers. i know that the pain leads to the joy in knowing what is true and what is right and rejoicing in it when the answer comes. i love you all so much and i miss you dearly! have an awesome week and know that i love you and pray for you daily! thanks for everything!

Love hermanita osborne

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