Friday, May 8, 2009

Lovin' Life at the MTC!!!

At the Temple with Hermanas Osborne, Browning, Haws, & Amitoelan

Hermana Osborne with Companions & Elders Salls & Day

Hermanas with Sister Dean, the Presidents wife... 
"Love Her!"

Some of the missionaries going to McAllen.  Krystal has met about 20 sisters and elders in the MTC who will be serving in the McAllen Texas mission.  That is a lot of missionaries all heading for McAllen.  There must be a lot of missionary work to do!

Kari-Lynn sent Krystal an Easter basket full of goodies 
for Easter.  She made Krystal's day!

Girls...even Hermanas...just gotta have FUN!!!


Jon and Kari-Lynn Tarleton said...

Hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. That story about the nose is so funny. I think she's winning now because the elders all feel sorry for her :)

Monica said...

hahaha oh thank you for sharing that story ! I love krystal!!!!!